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Maybe it's true - babies bring youth into the world and adults take on ae with their coming.
I finally got to go see my little nephew over the weekend, a full five days since he emerged into the world. It was good to pick him and talk to him - not that he got any of my messages whispered as he looked and gurgled at me. Holding him, however, makes me feel older. That sounds a little simplistic, but it's how it feels. In a year, he'll be crawling about and I'll be on the cusp of thirty (sigh). I don't mean this in a bad way - getting older doesn't bother me, it just kind of happens so what are you going to do?
He's gorgeous, however. I'm notorious for being a cold hearted bastard when it comes to kids, but when it's so close, you just can't help but fall into ribbons of compassion and, yes, love when you look upon him.
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